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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

dear you sort of miss me? i think about you often...luv #7

Weight: 161 lbs
Goal: 140-145lbs
Difference: 16lbs-21lbs

So running and i got into a fight and we decided to see other people for the last week. Which translates to: I hyperextended my knee in Hanuman asana (i.e. Monkey Pose....or "the splits"). So the Doc prescribed lots of 'rest' and to try and not straighten my leg for a week. For those of you have never had this injury I encourage you to attempt to not straighten your leg for a day, or even an hour (it's almost impossible), and ps 'doc' the word "rest" is not in my vocab. We Dutkowski (and Taylor) women do not rest. I once watched my mother drive me to 2 practices, go to work, rock a boot camp and own her volleyball game the day after she got a line drive to the jaw from a dude on her work softball team (which she still pitches for). Pulease. Rest. Ha. Pffft.

So for the last week I did my version of resting, which still included walking to work (some days), 2 cruiser bike rides (my leg was bent), a stint in the sauna and 5 yoga classes. I'm feeling better and looking forward to the okay from Dr. Whatchamacallit to run this week.

I do have something I would like to get off my chest regarding the birthplace of my campaign against running; Vancouver's beloved Seawall. Jake & I hit the seawall Sunday for our usual cruiser bike ride (if you're not already doing this you should be!), which includes bringing our cameras, traveling at a leisurely pace while being considerate of other cruisers, rollerbladers, scooter riders (?) and unicyclists. We also commit to the etiquette of the seawall which includes riding behind one another, ringing your bell when passing or (gently) alerting the person we're passing that we are coming up behind them on the left. While riding on Sunday I couldn't help but notice the amount of people riding for fitness (not leisure), ladies and gents here's a little news flash: On weekends there is an huge increase of people which include many young families and tourists WHICH dramatically increases the number of 'BEGINNERS'. Which means when we are near the 'one way' section of the seawall (which is there as a result of it being TOO NARROW to pass because of the giant rocks and trees protruding from our gorgeous landscape), we should probably think about taking it down a notch from the mach 10- olympic trials that I saw this weekend. Jake and I were caught behind a beginner rollerblader (you know the one I'm taking about; skin tight jeans rigid to the point you are questioning whether she is suffering from rigamortis from the waist down...hunched over, hands out, no pads, no helmut, continuing to question why she chose this to be her Sunday activity and how to make it end sooner without throwing herself into the bay...similar to the way I feel about running). Out of no where this couple comes flying around the (BLIND) corner behind us and yells "TO THE LEEEFFFFFTTTTT!!!" I hear tires skid behind me, i watch Rhonda Rollarblade in front of me lose her balance (Side note for those of you who have driven with me- i did not hit her, she was startled and fell, however I did laugh. Hard.) This couple almost slammed into me and Jake and then had the audacity to stare us down like it was our fault. Ladies and Gentlemen I encourage you to follow this rule: On weekends do not expect to ride your bike on the sea wall for fitness unless it is ear;y in the morning or later in the evening. it is not time for time trails for the next Tour de France in the middle of the nicest Sunday Vancouver's seen in awhile. It's not safe, but it does make for a good story.

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