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Thursday, March 18, 2010

i hate running......

So i was walking across the burrard bridge on my way to work...i couldn't help but notice the fresh breeze coming off the ocean..the moon still peeking out behind the clouds...when all of a sudden i was almost trampled by 40 or 50 'runners'. Now I should tell you since moving to Vancouver I have avoided running at all costs (which is ironic because the first yoga class i taught was 'yoga for runners'). I have made up every excuse from being too out of shape, too being bored and overall just not interested in running (unless it was away from something). After discussing my concerns with a few friends I have decided that maybe I haven't given running a fair chance. They assured me that once I started a regular routine that I would love it...and be a full addict. So I have decided to challenge myself and give running a fair Friday March 19th I will start voluntarily being out of breath, sweaty and cold, achy and disoriented for an hour a day. That's right, Friday I will start to 'run' (ahem- walk/run to start of course). I will be sure to document everything so you too can live my pain.


1 comment:

  1. I was right there with you last year. I did it for nearly 3 months and got ok at it. Then I stopped but believe it or not I'm thinking of starting up again. It's not easy for someone who has never been athletic. You have an advantage. :)
